The database Mosby’s Nursing Consult is now upgraded to a new platform ClinicalKey for Nursing.
The ClinicalKey for Nursing’s search engine offers
shortcuts to related clinical concepts, as well as disease and drug topic
overviews that align with every stage of the nursing process, from assessment
through evaluation. This new platform provides comprehensive content on nursing studies
- 60+ reference books
- 2,900 drug monographs
- 45+ journals
- 1,600 practice guidelines
- 300+ Procedures Consult videos
- 15,000 patient education handouts
- Over 65,000 images
- Fully indexed MEDLINE
The Mosby’sNursing Consult will shut down by 31 Dec 2015. User who has created a personal account in Mosby’s Nursing Consult with saved items, please re-register at the new platform and bookmark the items again if necessary.